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Reflections on the Automotive Industry 3/N

What industry is the new energy vehicle?#

Limited by my work experience, all the following opinions are based on my meager domestic enterprise work experience and observations.

Summary: Manufacturing industry.

Some friends may think it's nonsense, isn't making cars all about manufacturing?
Indeed, but let's compare it with the foreign companies: What is Tesla's mission statement: Energy.

Source: Google Search

Certainly, I believe that there is no distinction between good and bad in mission/vision, but a grander ideal can indeed move more investors and entrepreneurial people. At least in practice, we can truly feel that Elon Musk's companies are indeed related to energy to some extent. I won't go into detail on this topic here.

Why is CN new energy a manufacturing industry?#

This depends on what the fundamental purpose of developing this industry is. Over the years, I have seen too many positive analyses on the internet:

Among them, environmental protection is a false proposition, as currently no calculations can show that the level of carbon emissions and other environmental pollution generated during battery production and recharging is lower than that of fuel vehicles.

In fact, we can see a glimpse of it from the development process of this industry. Before Tesla established its Shanghai factory, there was a wave of car-making frenzy, and of course, everyone knows that fraud was rampant. By successfully introducing Tesla and producing it domestically, the Shanghai government provided too many supportive policies, not to flatter, but to revitalize the local supply chain system with Tesla. This direct activation of this country's most skilled skill - manufacturing.

So why is it "manufacturing" instead of "intelligent" manufacturing?

Because ultimately, the value of this industry lies in activating a new industrial chain, nurturing more enterprises, creating more job opportunities, and more importantly, considering the value of improving the overall economy. But there are not many real innovations that improve productivity and production relationships, or they are not the primary consideration.

Or it can be summarized like this: our new energy vehicles can be roughly translated as "electric vehicles" rather than "intelligent vehicles".

Comparing the mass production and cost reduction, comparing BYD and Tesla Model 3 can give a more intuitive understanding.

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